The Art of the Turtle May 14th
Friday, April 30, 2010
Almost 100 pieces of original artwork -- most featuring turtles -- will be auctioned on May 14 to raise money for the Kawartha Turtle Trauma Centre, a hospital dedicated solely to Ontario’s native turtles.
“The Art of the Turtle” event in the auditorium at the Peterborough Public Library, will celebrate World Turtle Day with an array of turtle-themed art, including paintings, sculpture, carvings, textiles and jewelry --all donated by artists from near and far.
Previewing of the art begins at 6 p.m. and the evening will feature live music, guest speakers, refreshments, a silent auction and a live auction.
“This has to be one of the most impressive collections of turtle-themed art in one place,” Annita Newell, fund-raising chair for the KTTC, said.
“The generosity of the arts community in the Peterborough area is wonderful,” she said, adding that artists from as far away as Alberta and England have also donated pieces.
The KTTC, a registered charity run by volunteers, has treated hundreds of injured turtles and released them back to the wild since it opened in 2002.
"I am donating this painting to the KTTC in the hope that it will help the turtle survive," says Freddy Taylor of Curve Lake. "The Turtle is sacred to my people."
Turtle populations are declining around the world, and Ontario is no exception. Seven of the eight native turtle species are listed as at risk; only the painted turtle is not. Roads are major threat and most of the turtles injured or killed by cars are female turtles on their way to nest.
"This turtle scene was a painting I was inspired to do in honour of the fact that my husband always stops traffic to rescue turtles on the road," said Carolyn Hughes, another contributing artist.
A multimedia array of turtle-themed art and craft will be available - oil and acrylic painting, mixed media, pen & ink, printmaking, photography, jewelery, wood carving, miniatures, greeting cards, sculpture, metal, papier mache, "painted rocks", wall hangings, and even a turtle tea cosy, plus other creative surprises!!!
Tickets ($20 for KTTC members, $30 for non members) are available at Titles Bookstore at 379 George St., Peterborough; from Anne Trimm at 705-749-2269 or Tracy McNaught at 905-640-7367; or online at
For more information or to cover the event, please contact:
Gina Varrin:
Here is a sampling of some of the fine art and craft by regional artists and artisans that will be in the upcoming gala "The Art of the Turtle":

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